Sled Workout
(4 Rounds Total):

100m Reverse Sled Drag
Use a sled with a moderate-to-heavy weight that challenges your quads and glutes.

100m Suitcase Carry (Alternating Hands aT 50 M)
Use a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand.
Focus on maintaining a straight posture and keeping the core engaged.

100m Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry (Alternating Hands aT 50 M)
Use a moderate-weight dumbbell or kettlebell.
Keep your arm fully extended and your core tight to stabilize the weight.

400m Row (Concept2 or Equivalent)
Maintain a steady but challenging pace

or if we cannot use rowers

Max Reps Pull-Ups
Perform as many pull-ups as possible in one set.
Use a band for assistance if needed or do strict pull-ups for maximum strength focus.

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