Sprint & Load
5-10 Minutes Dynamic Warm-Up
Jog or Row – 3-5 minutes at an easy pace.
Leg Swings – 10 per leg (front-to-back, side-to-side).
Arm Circles & Shoulder Rotations – 10 forward, 10 backward.
Hip Openers – 10 reps per leg.
Bodyweight RDLs – 10 reps to activate hamstrings.
Main Workout (3 Rounds)
Sprint & Barbell Work
50m Sprint – Explosive start, drive through hips.
20 RDLs – Using the same barbell, controlled lowering with slight knee bend.
10 Hang Power Cleans – Catch in an athletic stance, explosive movement.
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead – Use a push press or split jerk as needed.
Rest: 1-2 minutes between rounds.
Glute Activation
Glute Bridges
Sets: 3
Reps: 15-20
Feet flat, drive through heels.
Squeeze glutes at the top.
Can add weight for increased intensity.
Finisher: Grip & Carry Work (3 Rounds)
Max Effort Hangs – Hang from a pull-up bar as long as possible.
50m Farmer’s Carry – Heavy kettlebells/dumbbells, maintain posture.
Rest: As needed between rounds.