Sled, Run, & Kettlebell Conditioning Workout

Jump Rope: 100 skips
Dynamic Mobility Drills:
Hip Flexor Stretch – 2 rounds of 30 sec per side
Hamstring Stretch – 2 rounds of 30 sec per side
Shoulder Rotations – 10 reps each direction

Sled Work (Strength & Conditioning)
50m Sled Drag (Backwards)
50m Sled Push (Forwards)
Rounds: 3
Focus: Controlled, steady pace, keeping tension on the legs and core.

Main Workout: 4 Rounds for Time
400m Run – Steady pace, controlled breathing.
25 Kettlebell Swings (Russian or American) – Choose a challenging weight while maintaining good form.
25 Cossack Squats (Alternating Sides) – Focus on depth and control, shifting weight side to side.
Rest: 60 seconds between rounds if needed.

Cool Down & Recovery
Hamstring & Quad Stretching: 2 rounds of 30 seconds per leg
Hip Flexor Stretch: 2 rounds of 30 seconds per side
Deep Squat Hold: 1 minute

Workout Summary:
Focus: Strength, endurance, and mobility.
Rest: 60 seconds if necessary, otherwise keep a steady pace.
Goal: Develop explosive strength with the sleds, endurance with the run, and full-body conditioning with kettlebell swings and Cossack squats.

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